Guess Who | 2005

- Locations |
- Los Angeles, California;
- New Jersey
- Kevin Rodney Sullivan
Set in ‘Cranford, New Jersey’, this loose reworking/reversal of Stanley Kramer’s 1967 drama Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner? certainly makes the Garden State look splendidly green and sunny. Almost like Southern California, in fact.
The Jones house, to which Theresa (Zoe Saldana) takes boyfriend Simon (Ashton Kutcher) to meet her family, is 500 North Almansor Street, south of East Alhambra Road in Alhambra, to the south of Pasadena.
After the family argument, Theresa and her mother Marilyn (Judith Scott) decamp to 728 East Cartagena Street, at Olive Avenue, in Long Beach.
There is a little of the real New Jersey, though. ‘Cranford’ railway station, where Simon finally makes up with his prospective father-in-law Percy (Bernie Mac), is the picturesque Madison Station, Kings Road, in Madison, about 20 miles west of Newark.