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Monday February 17th 2025

Terms Of Endearment | 1983

Terms Of Endearment location: Locke Lane, Houston, Texas
Terms Of Endearment location: home of Aurora Greenway: Locke Lane, Houston, Texas

Oscar-laden and well acted, but soapy, tearjerker, set in Houston, Texas. Well, where else would you find yourself living next door to an astronaut?

In Houston, Aurora Greenway (Shirley Maclaine) lives at 3060 Locke Lane, in the smart Avalon district. The house next door, 3068 Locke Lane, which was home to retired astronaut Garrett Breedlove (Jack Nicholson) has been completely remodelled.

Terms Of Endearment location: Brennan's restaurant, Smith Street, Houston, Texas
Terms Of Endearment location: Aurora and Garrett’s lunch date: Brennan's restaurant, Smith Street, Houston, Texas

The couple enjoy a lunch date at Brennan’s Restaurant, 3300 Smith Street, at Stuart Street in Midtown Houston. Originally a branch of the famous New Orleans eaterie, it now flourishes in its own right, having survived a disastrous fire in 2008.

The beach onto which Aurora and Garrett drive is East Beach, 1923 Boddeker Road, over 40 miles southeast in Galveston. It’s the largest beach in Texas, located at the far eastern tip of the island, and is indeed famous for its beach parties (unlike most beaches, drinking is legal here – provided there are no glass containers.

The Hortons, Flap and Emma (Jeff Daniels and Debra Winger) live at 1148 Heights Boulevard, at East 12th Street, northwest of downtown Houston, before moving to Lincoln, Nebraska, where they settle at 847 14th Street.

Emma meets Sam Burns (John Lithgow) at Leon’s Gourmet Grocer, 2200 Winthrop Road at South Street, Lincoln. Something of an institution, there’s been a Leon’s food mart since 1933, and it’s been at this location since 1952.

Emma confronts the errant Flap at the University of Nebraska, 14th Street at R Street.

Emma tearily expires at Lincoln General Hospital, Van Dorn Street, while Aurora and Garrett finally get to mumble "I love you" at Lincoln Airport, 2400 West Adams.