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Thursday February 13th 2025

Viskningar Och Rop (Cries And Whispers)| 1972

Cries And Whispers filming location: Taxing-Nasby Mansion, Mariefried, Sweden
Cries And Whispers filming location: Taxing-Nasby Mansion, Mariefried, Sweden | iStockphoto / Tomas Mellstrom

In turn-of-the-century Sweden, cancer-stricken, dying Agnes is visited in her isolated rural mansion by her sisters Karin and Maria. As Agnes' condition deteriorates and pain management becomes increasingly more difficult, fear and revulsion grip the sisters, who seem incapable of empathy, and Agnes' only comfort and solace comes from her maid Anna. As the end draws closer, long repressed feelings of grudging resentment and mistrust cause jealousy, selfishness, and bitterness between the siblings to surface. Harriet Andersson dies slowly of cancer, tended by sisters Ingrid and Liv, and earthmother Kari Sylwan in Bergman’s beautiful, elegaic movie.

The mansion setting is Taxinge Slott (Taxinge Castle), the Taxinge-Näsby estate at Näsby, south Mariefried about 45 miles west of Stockholm. There's a regular train service to Läggesta Station.

A decayed old manor house at the time, which was in such a dilapidated state that the film crew were allowed to do what they liked, which included painting the interior walls of the house blood-red (a favourite Bergman device he's used in stage productions). It’s since been renovated and is open to the public.